Frequently Asked Questions

Below you’ll find answers to many common questions.
Please reach out to us if your questions aren’t answered.

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Do you have to be a 501(c)3?

Yes, applicants must be incorporated as a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization. Difficulties in complying with Federal regulations prevent us from making donations to individuals, non-U.S. charities, or for-profit organizations.

What is the deadline to apply for funding?

September 1st of every year. Grant decisions are made the first part of November and awarded shortly thereafter. Applicants must apply each year.

Do you fund capital improvements or projects?

Not customarily. Even though valuable, funding is directed more toward the care of the animals.

What kind of programs do you fund?

Spay/neuter programs, special needs programs, senior care programs, medical expenses, rescue and placement of senior or unwanted animals and pet food pantries. We occasionally fund for the use of therapy animals and wildlife rehabilitation.